Joe Frontier of Madison (WI) Memorial and the Madison Throws Club is a fantastic coach. Between his club and his high school team he has produced 44 state champions, and throwers from his club have gone on to win 8 NCAA titles.
Like all dedicated throws coaches, Joe loves watching world class throwers on film. Experience has taught him, however, that it can be a mistake to designate specific athletes as the technical model that everyone should emulate.

In a free webinar taking place this Thursday, April 23 at 7:00pm CST, Joe will discus the best way to use film of great throwers as a teaching tool.
I encourage any throws coach to join us for this event. Joe is a great communicator (he also hosts a podcast under the Throw Big Throw Far moniker) and extremely knowledgeable about his craft. I know you’ll learn from him and have a few laughs in the process.
Attendees may submit questions throughout the webinar. Register here.