UChicago Part-Time High Jump Coach

Contact Information
Contact Justin McQuality
$ 4,000.00
More Information

Hi all, we are looking for a part-time high jump coach. This position would receive $4,000 for a minimum of 1-2 jump specific (2-3hr) practices per week. It would also be mandatory that the coach travel to all competitions (within reason) either with the team or using their own transportation.

Preferred qualifications would be at least 4 years of successful collegiate participation or 4 years experience coaching the high jump at the college or high school level.

We currently have 5 women all jumping between 1.63m and 1.56m, as well as 4 men that all jump between 2.03m and 1.86m.

If interested please email Justin McQuality at jmcquality@uchicago.edu.