If you are interested in “minimum effective dose” lactate training for 200m and 400m runners, the 23-Second Drill is perfect for you.
A Simple Plan
What’s all this stuff about *Feed the Cats*? Does it work with girls? How about middle school? Less is more? Drink the Kool Aid?
I Was So Much Older Then, I’m Younger Than That Now
Never slow down, never grow old.
The Origin and Philosophical Basis of “Feed the Cats”
How it all got started and the reasons why. In addition, how “Feed the Cats” has become more than just a way to coach sprinters.
Strength vs Speed
As we prepare for winter workouts, don’t let kids hide in the weight room. Speed is a fundamental skill of athleticism.
My Contribution to “The Sprinter’s Compendium”
50 coaches contributed to Ryan Banta’s 763-page book. This was my contribution.
Basketball Advice from a Sprint Coach
Please pass this on to your favorite basketball coach. Make sure special attention is paid to the final section.
Track Football Consortium December 8-9
Grab a couple football coaches and sign up for TFC-6. Carl Lewis is our featured speaker. Incredible Benedictine University will host the event.
The Echo Chamber of the Experts
As coaches, we must choose between “sophisticated complexity” and “mature simplicity”.