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Ask an Expert: Shin splints

My daughter is 17 years old and has just began her first ever season of track and field.
She competed in recreational soccer and did gymnastics from ages 6 to 10. From ages 11 thru 16 she competed in ice hockey . During the last 3 seasons of hockey and during the off seasons she was running approximately 12to 15 miles per week in addition to plyometric type workouts. Having always had good sprinting speed and though she is new to the sport she’s been directed by the track coaches to workout with the sprinters. The experience so far in part has been very good and has learned a lot about sprint specific drills and workouts. Her problem though is that she seems to have gotten shin splints .
I understand shin splints are not uncommon, but I’m totally bewildered by this happening to her ? As I mentioned she’s done quite a fair amount of running prior to starting track and is incredibly strong and fit.
As I look online seeking any and all information, it seem the bulk of the advice is geared toward long distance athletes, not novice sprinters. Anyone with wisdom for a wanna be sprinters shin splints would be much appreciated..

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